After research into self-publishing options, I chose to publish online, through Reach Publishers. I received their contract by email, made a few adjustments to suit my needs, which were approved, and in October 2016, I visited their offices in Westville, South Africa, met Warren, and signed the contract. I gave the photograph of Umhloti Beach to him, together with a pencil plan of what I wanted for the cover: the words, the position of them, the colours, the fonts.

Lodewyk sent samples of covers to me. I selected one, and through emails, back and forth, we refined the cover, until in January 2017, we had the final product, just as I wanted it to be.

After checking and rechecking my manuscript countless times, I passed it on to Reach at the end of November. Lodewyk again patiently answered my email questions and corrections until it was perfect.

The publisher’s month of leave over the Christmas holidays and my month of illness in March and April delayed the process but finally, with Anishka’s help, the publishing on Amazon, Kindle and Smashwords was achieved on 10th April 2017.

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